#CrushALZ Daily: 20 days in but the leaders are none-the-clearer!
After 20 days, we are still catching stalls at record speeds with new teams joining the #CrushALZ competition on Stall Catchers every day!
See the report of Day 20 below, and ...
Join us! Read all about the #CrushALZ competition here, and what important Alzheimer's research you could be supporting by playing a game here.
Day 20
Start of day: April 25, 8pm ET
End of day: April 26, 8pm ET
Hours: 24
Teams: 28
Total vessels annotated: 10973 ↑28.40
Real vessels annotated: 5371↑16.11
-- Proportion of Real vessels: 56.83% Progress toward research goal: 24.92%
Equivalent lab time: up to 13 weeks
Daily leaders:
Middle School STEM have taken back their place at the top of the daily leaderboard, jumping from 7th place! Right below them, but eagerly catching up are CitSciGamers and Stall Destroyers.
Less than 200 thousand points behind are the other community team - STALLS WILL NOT PASS, followed by EyeWirers.
There's a new team on the block as well - Purple Canoe Club - who made it to the daily leaderboard too with 25 809 points! Congratulations on the successful début Purple Canoe Club!
The Purple Canoe Club team are "a group of Alzheimer's Disease care receivers and their care givers who are dear friends and provide support for each other". Welcome to Stall Catchers!
If you'd like to join their team and help them get started, click on their avatar below!
All time:
Meanwhile on the All time leaderboard, Middle School STEM have grabbed the 1st place from Stall Destroyers who dropped to 3rd place, while CitSciGamers took the 2nd. And thus the race continues!
How have we been catching in the last 20 days?
We've been sharing snapshots of our daily vessels analysed here and there, but let us now look at the past 20 days:
It's interesting to see that the competition has been most active (aside from the kick-off on April 7th) during the first half of the week every week, while the activity fell on Sundays and especially Easter .. :) that is all understandable though - stall catchers need some much needed rest too! 🙃 🔬
So far we have not been able to break the record of Day 1, when more than 13 thousand vessels were analysed in 24 hours. But we are surely trying, with as many as 10 973 analysed on Day 20! And there will still be plenty of opportunities in the next ten days ... ;)
In general, we have already analysed 79 294 real vessels, pushing us almost 25% towards the research goal! That is equivalent to up to 13 weeks in the lab!
Ten days to go! Let's #CrushALZ with science - TOGETHER!