#CrushALZ Daily: New & growing teams in ten days + Day 10 🐇 rundown

Time is flying by fast, and we have just closed in on 10 days of the #CrushALZ competition!

Find the rundown of Day 10 below & a look back at how teams have been forming during these past ten days.

Join the competition to #CrushALZ if you haven't yet - we have 20 days to go, and we need help crushing stalls!!

Day 10

Start of day: April 15, 8pm ET

End of day: April 16, 8pm ET

Hours: 24

Teams: 21

Total vessels annotated: 2375 ↓51.22

Real vessels annotated: 1379↓58.24

-- Proportion of Real vessels: 58% Progress toward research goal: 10.64%

Leading teams:

Stall Destroyers took the top daily position for a third day in a row on Day 10! Followed, again, by the CitSciGamers in second place.

Congratulations to STALLS WILL NOT PASS who did not only make a comeback to the leaderboard, but took third place! Alzheimer's Research UK and Middle School STEM were left a little behind.

Teams are growing, teams are joining!

As you may recall, we had 15 teams on Day 1, and now we have 21 teams willing to #CrushALZ! The teams most recently joined are VCUalumni, who "all attended VCU in Richmond VA, or love someone who did!", Forest Friends (nice name!) - "Friends of the forest", and a team radiating with happiness, ":D", who are "Just happy to help out the world!" Welcome teams!

Join these teams to help them get started! Just click on the links below:

Some of our #CrushALZ old timers have also grown significantly since Day 1. Check them out!

Good work everyone, and keep growing your teams to help you #CrushALZ!

Tip: the easiest way to invite new members to your team is to grab & share the invite link right below team name on your team page!

All time results

Not much has changed in the All time leaderboard from Day 9, CitSciGamers, Middle School STEM and Stall Destroyers still leading the way.

The exciting exceptions, however, included the Alzheimer's Research UK winning the 6th place back from KMS Genius Hour, and STALLS WILL NOT PASS who made it to the All time leaderboard after a while! Congratulations!

Have fun stall catching everyone 🐇 !!